Wanted!!! Creative Director

We're not exactly the average wonder child, but we seem to have grown very much in these two years. That's why we're looking for a Creative Director to take us further, to make us stronger.

The basic idea is that our creative department needs a leader, somebody to inspire and guide them.


If you lead like Napoleon, see like Picasso, think like Aristotle and write like James Joyce, or some other proper combination, send us your CV.


You are most likely in an established agency, but we're sure we can provide a better alternative. Think of it as your next big challenge and that you will have greater freedom. We require a genuine conceptual leader who sees the bigger picture and wants to really push the creative boundaries.


Your task will be to take this agency and make it a household name, with all the implications, awards, admiration and envy.


Location: Bucharest

Salary: +000

Benefits: plus benefits

Contact Information

Employer: integrated agency

Email: (m a i l t o : c r e a t i v e . d i r e c t o r @ m a i l . c o m)